
Playa de Santiago Hotel features 61 accommodations, Standard, Junior Suites and Master Suites with balconies that offer a lovely view of the beach and the ocean. Additionally, in our property you will find dining and bar services, swimming pool, sports fields and even meeting room and free Wi-Fi, among many elements more that make Playa de Santiago your first choice among hotels in Manzanillo, Mexico.

Make your Three-Star Manzanillo hotel reservations by booking online or using the contact information below.

Costera Bahía de Santiago s/n
Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico.
Z.C. 28860.

Telephone: +52 (314) 333-00-55
Fax: +52 (314) 333-03-44

Online Reservations

In order to check availability and rates or booking in Playa de Santiago Hotel, use our safe online booking channel.